How to Access Natural Solutions

Getting access to holistic care in Australia can be a complicated process, but not through PLNTD.

If holistic care is right for you, our experienced doctors will help you navigate your individually tailored treatment options.

Step 1 infographic
Step 1

Pre-screening assessment

We’ll always start with a few simple questions about your medical condition and treatment. This quick assessment takes just 30 seconds to complete.

Following this short assessment, we'll review your answers and determine if you are eligible.

Step 2

Telehealth consultation

Visiting a medical clinic can be time-consuming, not to mention mentally and physically taxing for those with chronic conditions. That’s why we've set up our system so that you can speak with experienced doctors from the comfort of your own home. 

During this online consultation, an experienced doctor will listen and learn about your health experiences. A personalised treatment plan will then be developed to meet your unique needs.

Step 2 infographic
Step 3 infographic
Step 3

Delivery Australia-wide

Once your doctor has assessed your suitability and conducted a patient-centred assessment, they will prepare a personalised treatment plan.

Your holistic treatment plan will then be shipped to your door, anywhere in Australia.

Your doctor will also provide you with guidance on how to follow your treatment plan safely and effectively.

Step 4

Ongoing Care

Receiving your treatment plan is just the beginning of your wellness journey. 

After you have received your plan, our enthusiastic team provides ongoing support. This ensures that your treatment plan is effective in the weeks and months that follow.

Your doctor will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. We also provide continued education and share helpful resources so that all of our patients remain empowered and informed.

Step 4 infographic

Digital patient card

It's important to note that many natural medical treatments are still controlled substances, so they can only be obtained legally through a prescription from an authorised healthcare professional. This is why PLNTD provides all of their patients with a unique Digital Patient Card as evidence of your treatment plan.

PLNTD digital patient card

Natural medicine eligibility

At PLNTD, we understand that every patient has unique needs. To be eligible for certain natural alternatives, patients must have a diagnosed medical condition that has not responded to conventional treatment (such as medication or allied health involvement). These conditions may include chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, and more.

Our network of doctors will guide you through this process to determine whether you meet the criteria set out by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility for natural medical alternatives, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the PLNTD team.

Ready to take the next step?
Book a consultation today to discuss your treatment options with a registered healthcare professional.
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